Upcoming Farm Events

27  May 2022

Ecstatic Dance Cacao- CLUJ

Esti invitata la o noua gingasie ecstatica prin care spiritul se va trezi si prin dans se va rosti.

3-5 Jun 2022

Consciously on Earth – Weekend Experience

Farm of Consciousness invites you to step into a Holistic Experience over the weekend in the middle of nature.

17-20 Jun 2022

THE BOHEMIANS – music & travel festival

Come find the Bohemian inside you in one of the wildest places in Europe. Let’s travel to the Danube Delta this summer for 3 days of love, music and nature in Sfantu Gheorghe. Postponed until 2023

23-26 Iunie 2022

Retreat Creativ de Muzica

Eveniment de 4 zile in mijlocul naturii pregatit sa te sustina in explorarea sunetului, corpului si emotilor.

13-17 July 2022

Eletric Castle- Healthy Corner 

In world full of consumerism we can walk the natural paths of our ancestors through a more consciously way of living.

25 Iulie- 1 August 2022

Ecstatic Farmers at RoBurn

Exploring Consciousness every day through breakwork, meditation, yoga, ecstatic dances and other holistic therapies that balance our phisycal, mental and emotional body. 

A Special Thanks to Our Partners

Plant a Seed in our Garden, Donate Today!

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