Becoming Waterful

Embark on a Transformative Journey of Cellular Hydration and Detoxification for Renewed Body and Mind.

3rd-7th July 2024 – Brad, HD, Romania

Farm of Consciousness

N0w is the time to take your POWER back.

In our pursuit of a healthier existence, it is crucial to recognize the profound impact of hydration and detoxification on our physical and mental well-being. This year we focused more on thematic events, in April we integrated the AIR element, now the WATER follows – “Becoming Waterful,”
The purpose of this event is to embark on a transformative journey, exploring in depth the science and practice of cellular hydration and detoxification. This retreat is not an escape or escape from old habits, it is an immersive experience designed to renew your body and mind.


Ready to access your inner Ocean?

Dive into the Science of Hydration and Detoxification for a Healthier, Revitalized Life.

Water Kefir Workshop

Discover the benefits of water kefir in our workshop, where you’ll learn to create and enjoy this probiotic-rich beverage for enhanced digestion and overall wellness.

Sprout Growing & Nutrients

Join our sprout growing workshop to learn the techniques and nutritional benefits of cultivating and incorporating fresh sprouts into your diet for optimal health.

Health Concept in 5 Steps

Hidration. Deworming. Detoxification. Nutrition. Immunity.

Becoming All States – Sauna & Cold Plunge

In non pulvinar purus. Curabitur nisi odio, blandit et elit at, suscipit pharetra efficitur elit.

Ecstatic Dance & Water Ceremony

Experience the transformative power of movement and water in our Ecstatic Dance & Water Ceremony, where rhythmic dance merges with a sacred water ritual to rejuvenate your body and spirit.”


What can you gain from this experience?

Our Mission


Our mission is to create a self-
sustainable co-living environment

where we can thrive, grow spiritually
and on all levels of life, together.

Our Vision


Our vision is to provide people with a
simple, healthy and sustainable way of
living through education, using
ancestral techniques and teachings
that are in harmony with nature and
man himself.


Achieve increased energy levels and overall well-being through optimal cellular hydration practices.


Boost your body’s natural defenses by integrating effective deworming techniques.


 Experience improved cognitive function and emotional balance by eliminating toxins from your body.


Gain practical strategies and insights for maintaining long-term health and wellness from expert-led workshops.


People’s Experience here at FOC

Raluca Bianca

“Uau, how many amazing activities at the farm…that awesome movie, the juicy embodiment morning practice that you are doing togEther. 
I would love so much to be there ????but at the same time it’s amazing to focus on the magic that is everywhere and to learn how to embody it here in the city, as much as possible.
Thank you for being 
I also see FOC thriving and growing harmoniously;”


Diana Starmate

“we got so used to being barefoot that we take any opportunity to do so.
Also, my body moves like I’m in an Ecstatic dance even around the house. #belikewater 


Brad, HD, Romania

Secret Location

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